Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Guitar 1
Overdriven Guitar

Guitar 2
Overdriven Guitar

There\'s a small jail in Geor-gia that you all know. Where the sun\'s so hot and the day-light don\'t show. Where the moc-ca-sin she rests on a soft bed of sand. You can hear the hound dogs how-lin\' out the land. It ain\'t the way I wan-ted it, but Lord, thar\'s the price you pay. I said, \"Jai-ler, bring me wa-ter, for my throat is dry.\" Four walls, steel bars, I\'ve been wat-ching pas-sers by. I\'ve been sit-tin\' here so damn long, I\'m star-tin\' to cry. The hang-man\'s co-ming, I\'m sure-ly gon-na die. It ain\'t the way I wan-ted it but, Lord, that\'s the price you pay. I shot a man in Ma-con o-ver a po-ker game. I killed a-no-ther in At-lan-ta, just to build my fame. Well, now I hear them ham-mers, they\'re poun-ding out my name. It ain\'t the way I wan-ted it, but thet\'s the price you pay. It ain\'t the way I wan-ted it, but Lord, that\'s the price you pay. Hey, jai-ler, how \'bout that wa-ter? My throat\'s still dry. Four walls, steel bars, I\'ve been wat-ching pas-sers by. I\'ve been sit-tin\' here so damn long, I\'m star-ting to cry. The hang-man\'s co-min, I\'m sure-ly gon-na die. It ain\'t the way I wan-ted it, but Lord, that\'s the price you pay. It ain\'t the way I wan-ted it, but Lord, that\'s the price you pay. It ain\'t the way I wan-ted it, but Lord, that\'s the price you pay.